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Boston Design Market 2014

Boston Design Center

Visit the Boston Design Center for its capstone event, the Boston Design Market, a special part of its premier designer trunk show. From September 29 through October 3, the Boston Design Center and more than 50 of its showrooms will host panel discussions and workshops, launch new products, and more. October 1 & 2 will be dedicated to design immersion, where guests can enjoy special appearances by interior designers Nina Campbell and David Kleinberg, and Hearst Design Group's Editorial Director Newell Turner.

Boston Design Market

Walk through impressive showrooms, buy key designer items for your home or store, and be inspired by the innovative design ideas around you.

When: Premier Designer Trunk Show- September 29-October 3 

Design Market-October 1-2

9:00 AM-5:00 PM each day

Where: Boston Design Center, One Design Center Place, Boston MA

Register here.

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