January 6, 2015 | bartlett
During cold winter nights, does your bedroom often feel like Jack Frost has grasped it in his frozen fist? Does the constant noise from your neighbours or the busy street make it hard to hear yourself think? Do you struggle to fall asleep due to the bright streetlights outside your windows? Believe it or not, these are common problems for many homeowners – and they can all be alleviated by installing cellular blinds on your windows.
This is because cellular blinds utilise a pocket (or cell) filled with air and that resembles the honeycomb inside a beehive. These pockets can help block noise and the elements, whilst the fabric used in the manufacture of the blinds can help make the room much darker. There are dozens of different products to choose from, each suited to alleviating a particular problem. Before you make your final selection, consider what you need to insulate against.
Light Insulation
When you have bright streetlights outside or young children who need to sleep during the day, insulating against light will be your top priority. We recommend blackout blinds, as they are manufactured from room darkening materials that will block out most of the light. If you don’t want the room to be pitch black, we recommend choosing a dark fabric or cells that are set further apart to allow some light penetration.
Heat Insulation
When your home loses too much heat during the winter, you will find that the windows are most often the culprits. We recommend a darker fabric, as they will gather heat and prevent it from passing through the glass. Whilst you can have dark fabric on both sides of the cellular blind, it is especially important that the side touching the glass is dark to prevent transference.
Cold Insulation
When your home loses too much cold during the summer, you will again find that windows are the main culprits. In this situation, we recommend lighter fabric, as it will reflect the heat and help to keep the room cool. Whilst you can have light fabric on both sides of the blind, it is especially important on the side touching the glass so that the heat bounces off.
Noise Insulation
When you live on a busy street, have noisy neighbours or are guilty of making lots of noise yourself, your primary focus will be insulating against sound. We recommend double cell blinds, as the offset pockets of air inside will provide two filters against noise. There has been no evidence to suggest that particular colours insulate against sound better than others, so just choose a shade you are comfortable with.
If some form of insulation is your desired effect, we believe that cellular blinds are the perfect solution. Their contemporary appearance is the ideal complement for most homes, and their abilities for blocking light, keeping the space warm or cool, and for blocking noise make them truly wonderful. Just remember that there are a number of colours and styles available, so it is important to consider what you are insulating against before making a final decision.
Written by Sanju Kmr
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