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Boston Design Week Call for Events

Boston Design Week will return this March from the 19th-29th. Boston Design Week seeks to raise awareness about design and the role it plays in our lives. The 10-day festival features over 80 design-focused events meant to encourage the public to explore architecture, interior design, landscape architecture, and more. Last year, Boston Design Week welcomed over 80,000 participants. 

Boston Design Week

Boston Design Week is still accepting submissions for events for this year's festival. If you want to plan or host a special event talk, behind-the-scenes tour, or expert panel, etc there's still time to register! If you're looking for ideas, take a look at last year's online Guidebook

Schedule your event for any day between March 19th and March 29th. Events like exhibitions can bridge all or part of the 10-day festival. After you've scheduled your event, make sure you have an RSVP and ticket service in place - many people use EventBrite or a URL. 

Finally, register your event with Boston Design Week by completing an event proposal form here to ensure that it gets listed as part of the Boston Design Week calendar. All submissions are subject to approval, and are due by January 20th.

For more information, click here

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