September 19, 2016 | carly stewart
The Golden Ball Tavern Museum's Annual Outdoor Antiques Show and Preview Party has arrived!
Saturday, September 24, 2016 from 9 AM to 4 PM
100 dealers are selected from New England, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The Barn of Donations features treasures given by Friends of the Golden Ball Tavern and others. Music and food will be available at the Tavern Cafe.
See the Golden Ball Day 2014 success!
- General Admission on the day of the show ($7.00) includes admission to the grounds as well as a tour of the Tavern.
- Free admission for children under 12.
- Early Admission at 7:00 AM on the day of the show ($25.00) provides early access to the Antiques.
- Non-members can join on the day of the show and admission will be included with the 'on the spot' membership - regular admission only.
Barn Preview Party - Friday, September 23 at 6 PM
This event provides early access to the popular Barn items and the opportunity to further support the Museum. The Barn Preview Party is open to all who purchase a "Friend of the Tavern ticket." The price of $100 per person ($75 of which is tax deductible) includes cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, early access to the Barn's offering of donated items and entitles holders to Saturday's Antique Show admission, luncheon under the Tent on the day of the show including delicious food and beverages of choice and a single Membership to the museum for the year.
Contact Tare Newbury at 781-235-7477 or the museum at 781-894-1751,
Proceeds from the event are the primary source of funds for the on-going restoration and development of the Golden Ball Tavern as a museum and educational resource for schools and for students of the history of architecture and the decorative arts.
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